- Graphics, Visualization, and Usability (GVU) Center
- Cognitive Science Society
- Psychonomic Society
- Ph.D. Experimental Psychology, University of Michigan (1988)
- BA, Grinnell College (1982)
Research Interests
- Creating examples to help learners form meaningful and generalizable solution procedures. I and the students in my lab have explored this issue in domains ranging from probability and physics to ballet.
- The use of task analysis techniques for identifying what a person needs to learn in order to solve problems or carry out procedures in some domain.
- Using information from task analyses to guide the construction of teaching and training materials including computer-based (multimedia) instructional environments.
- Exploring technology such as animations and embodied conversational agents (ECAs) for improving interfaces and helping people learn and carry out tasks more easily.
- Analogical Reasoning
Selected Publications
See Website
Our lab has ongoing research projects with colleagues outside of the School of Psychology and outside of Georgia Tech. A partial list of collaborators includes:
- Robert Atkinson (Division of Psychology in Education, Arizona State University)
- Ann Bostrom (Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington)
- Ruth Chabay (Department of Physics, North Carolina State University)
- Carl DiSalvo (School of Literature, Communication, and Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Peter Gerjets (Multimedia and Hypermedia Research Unit, Knowledge Media Research Center)
- Donna Llewellyn (Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Blair MacIntyre (College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Katharina Scheiter (Department of Applied Cognitive Psychology and Media Psychology, University of Teubingen)
- Michael Schatz (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Bruce Sherwood (Department of Physics, North Carolina State University)
- John Stasko (College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Marion Usselman (Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology)